Veterans Day is a celebration of the life of the serviceman and their contribution to safeguarding the future of the nation. The brave men sacrifice their lives so that we can live and breathe in a free environment. It honors service members who died in service to their country or as a result of injuries incurred during battle. Deceased veterans are also remembered on Veterans Day but the day is set aside to thank and honor living veterans who served honorably in the military – in wartime or peacetime.
The plight of the veterans
The Iraq war is a dark spot in the history of the US military. The war was an ill-planned and most unpopular war. The soldiers who served got grind physically as well as mentally. The returning soldiers have to bear the protest of their own countrymen blaming them for the killing of innocent children in the war.

A recent survey has shown that more than 300,000 veterans are homeless. Thousands of National Guards who were given the assurance of job after the service denied prompt reemployment and bereft of other facilities. The veterans who are waiting for disability payment are facing huge backlogs and inordinate delays.
The tradition that is not that old
The legislation was passed in 1938 to honor the sacrifices of the soldiers in World War 1and it was called Armistice Day back then. Several wars later the word veteran was inserted and the day was set to honor American veterans of all wars. United States Senate Resolution 143, which was passed on Aug. 4, 2001, designated the week of Nov. 11 through Nov. 17, 2001, as National Veterans Awareness Week.
Initiatives to help the veterans
Each year on Veterans Day American people pays respect to all who served the great country of America. The people are encouraged to help the veterans to get back to the mainstream. The society and the corporate sector must avail the opportunity to these veterans to use their unique skills. Veterans and their families face a lot of difficulties like frequent deployment, physical and emotional turmoil due to injuries in war, concerns related to transition and reintegration.

The open arms embrace by the people help them to address the work-life needs as they try to move on with their lives. The job like part-time work, flexible schedule and telework help veterans to meet their work-life challenge.
Two organizations with innovative programs for veteran’s
Air Force Aid Society, Inc: The organization has a strong tradition of hiring former soldiers. They do not forget about the people who were willing to sacrifice everything for the nation’s freedom. The company assists veterans with their resumes and techniques involved interview and help them to get a job in career fairs.
AM Pierce & Associates: The Company makes use of several methods through networks, military career transition programs, social media, job boards, job fairs to avail jobs to veterans and their families.
On this Veterans Day, let us remember the service veterans did till their last breathe. Let us renew the promise to fulfill what’s good, what’s needed to our veterans and their families who have sacrificed so much that we can live free.