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Brown University Fund Research Center for Substance Abuse

Brown University Fund Research Center for Substance Abuse and Chronic Disease

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Funds will support the research on substance misuse

The Brown University of Providence in Rhode Island will receive 12.5 million dollars of the National Institute of Health grant over the period of the next five years. This fund will help the university in its research on substance abuse and build a new Center of Biomedical Research Excellence (COBRE).

The Center for Addiction and Disease Risk Exacerbation (CADRE) will concentrate on the substance abuse that leads to different diseases in the human body. The funds will be used to set up a lab, which will collect blood and other samples from the patients to check the chemical indicators which are responsible for inflammation and stress. The program will provide support to four new faculty members in their study of substance abuse and chronic diseases.

COBRE is a program of the National Institute for General Medical Science that emphasizes the development of infrastructure for institutional research and helps young doctors in their projects. The doctors can apply for 3 five-year phases of COBRE support in eligible institutes.

The new researcher will get financial backing

Bess Marcus, Dean of the School of Public Health at Brown University said, “The CADRE grant will increase the center’s capacity to conduct cutting edge research and test innovative substance abuse interventions to improve population’s health.”

The new facility will use the expertise of COBRE at Brown University and all its linked hospitals. Which include Browns Center for Nervous Function, Butler Hospitals Center for Neuromodulation, Rhode Island Hospitals Center of Biomedical Research Excellence on Opioids and Overdose, and Clinical & Transactional Research. And one early researcher will be allowed to work closely with Carney Institute for Brain Science-affiliated MRI Research Facility

CDRE will directly fund and support projects led by early-career faculty who are mentored by established faculty members such as CADRE Deputy Director Dr. Jasjit Ahluwalia, a professor of behavioral and social sciences and medicine.

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