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Basic Education

Why Basic Education Should Not Compromise with Education System?

Being educated is itself an overwhelming feeling, but it’s not ...
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Natural Cold Remedies

6 Best Natural Cold and Flu Remedies Because Winter Is Here

Do sniffles keep you down, down- stressed in bed? Being ...
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Will Smith Reads Bed Time Story To Raise $50 Million To Fight Homelessness

Does reading help raise money? It sounds like a charity ...
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Thinking Pattern

How Being Conscious Can Hive Mind And Change Thinking Pattern

Before you start reading, just close your eyes and observe ...
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Iron Deficiency in Children

5 Symptoms of Iron Deficiency in Children (And What To Do About It)

Iron is an important nutrient, which helps children’s growth and ...
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disruptive technology trends

The 6 Most Disruptive Technology Trends of the Year

What happens on the internet stays on the internet, forever. ...
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How Diet Can Cause Or Cure Depression

You expected something to happen and it did not happen. ...
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Keanu Reeves Quotes

10 Keanu Reeves Quotes to Create A Perspective On Life You Can Be Proud Of

Internet’s new charming mentor, Keanu Reeves is simply a great ...
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National Entrepreneurship Month

National Entrepreneurship Month: Environmental Entrepreneurs Inspiring Youth to Explore. Dream. Discover.

President Barack Obama proclaimed November as “National Entrepreneurship Month” where ...
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winter break

8 Expectations vs. Reality of Winter Break at Home

Winter falls with two-three weeks of cool holidays. Holidays full of ...
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Problem Solving Book

Problem Solving: Harvard Business School Alumni Making a Difference in the World

The book reveals every walk of life of HBS’s alumni ...
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Vape vs. Smoke

E-Cigarettes vs. Smoking: The Many Sides To The Vape Debate

E-Cigarettes! Are they breakthroughs in a battle to help people ...
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