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CompTIA Security

Getting Ready to Take the CompTIA+ Security Test? How to Pass on Your First Try

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If you’re interested in a career in IT security, then validating your skills is a must. Employers almost always require certification to ensure you understand and can perform core security functions.

While there are several courses you can take, along with exams, that will provide you with a certificate, not all are globally recognized.

CompTIA Security+ is globally accepted, and it’s often what employers look for in a job candidate. So, if you’re wondering how to prepare for the CompTIA+ security exam, we have some tips that can help ensure you’re ready to take and pass the test.

Know the Topics to Study

If you don’t know what topics to study, preparing for the exam is difficult. You may spend hours studying a domain only to find out it’s not covered on the CompTIA+ security exam. So, what domains are included in the exam? There are 6 sections and some are emphasized a little more than others.

The CompTIA+ security exam covers the following 6 domains:

  1. Threats, attacks, and vulnerabilities – 21%
  2. Architecture and design – 15%
  3. Technologies and tools – 22%
  4. Risk management – 14%
  5. Identity and access management – 16%
  6. Cryptography and PKI – 12%

Chances are, you’re more familiar with some domains than others. The topics that are still giving you a little trouble are the ones you want to concentrate on. This doesn’t mean skipping refreshers on the domains you feel like you understand, only spend a little more time on the ones you’re not entirely comfortable with.

Study Efficiently

You can grab a few minutes here and there throughout the day to spend studying for the exam. However, this isn’t the most effective or efficient way to prepare for the CompTIA+ security exam. A better way is to prioritize your study time. This means blocking out an hour or two each day on your schedule.

Try to spend some time reviewing all of your coursework, especially areas where your knowledge is a little shaky. You may even want to shell out some extra cash and download a copy of the Official CompTIA+ Security Study Guide.

The guide is a little pricey, it’s over $100, but it also covers everything you’ll find on the exam. If you’re trying to reduce expenses, you can always share costs with others in your study group. Everyone chips in on the study guide price, one person downloads the e-book, and all group members have access to the content. However, this option only works if your study group is meeting in person. You can only download one copy with each purchase.

If you’re going through the classes and studying solo, you may want to consider joining an online community. You can study with others who are getting ready to take the exam, share test-taking strategies, and even quiz each other on domains that are giving you a little trouble.

Get Ready for Performance-Based Questions

The CompTIA+ security exam includes several performance-based questions, so this means you’ll solve a problem or perform a specific task in a simulated environment. Even if you’re not nervous answering multiple-choice questions, ones based on performance can send your anxiety levels skyrocketing.

This is another time when it helps to study with an in-person or online group. You can practice performing tasks in front of others before it’s time to take the exam. Sometimes, this is enough to help calm your nerves.

Don’t rush through any performance-based questions. Read each one carefully, as this is an effective way of avoiding mistakes. Something else to note is the performance-based questions are at the start of the test.

You’re probably going to spend more time on these questions and this is normal. However, don’t get stuck on one question. Remember the exam is timed. Mark the question for review and come back to it after completing the other sections.

Prepare for Multiple Choice Questions

Most test takers prefer multiple-choice questions for a simple reason; they have a higher chance of selecting the right answer. The CompTIA+ security exam has plenty of these types of questions but this doesn’t mean choosing the right answer is always going to be relatively easy.

A good tip is to read through all of the possible answers, even if you’re pretty sure you know which one is correct. Sometimes, a single word in the answer is all it takes to make it correct or incorrect. If you come across a question and you’re not sure of the answer, use the process of elimination. Get rid of the answers you’re positive are incorrect and focus on the remaining ones.

By following each of these tips, you can prepare yourself and be well on your way to taking and passing the CompTIA+ security exam.

Also Read: Why The Education Sector Needs To Prioritize Cybersecurity

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