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Scholarship Strategies

The Book Scholarship Strategies Unveils Hundreds of Scholarships and How to Win Them

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Jean O’Toole has cleared 25 strategies for winning the money needed for college

Now students don’t need to be academically at the top of your class, a star athlete, or in financial need to qualify for thousands of dollars of scholarship opportunities. Jean O’Toole, a College Scholarship Strategies for over the past 15 years has launched a new book “Scholarship Strategies: Finding and Winning the Money You Need” to help students afford their dreams. She dedicated her life to students and inspiring them to pursue their academic careers.

This year O’Toole co-founded Connections101, a youth empowerment company specializing in motivational tools for outside scholarship searching. She has proudly helped deserving students collectively win millions of dollars, including some individuals that were awarded up to $200,000.

“Money for college is out there. You just need to know where to find it and how to win it. It’s all about working smarter and not harder.”

In her book, Scholarship Strategies, the motivational speaker shares her vast knowledge, unveils 25 clear strategies for winning the money needed for college and identifies 15 ways to reduce college costs beyond scholarships and traditional financial aid.

O’Toole shares:

  • Which scholarships have less competition and lower thresholds to win?
  • How students can identify their strengths, interests, connections, demographics, and accomplishments in order to be in a position to qualify for plenty of scholarships.
  • Harmful scholarship myths that are debunked.
  • Many examples of odd, unique, and rare scholarships that almost anyone could win.

“Higher education costs continue to rise. Student loan debt has surpassed credit card debt in the United States reaching $1.5 Trillion dollars. Scholarship monies can dramatically reduce costs and benefit the bottom line,” she shares.

Some of O’Toole’s strategies include:

  • Applying for local and regional scholarships first.
  • Seeking out a series of small scholarships and not just one big one.
  • Joining groups and organizations so you can qualify to apply for their scholarships.
  • Talk to scholarship winners to gain insight on how they won.
  • Form a bond with a scholarship buddy and share info on scholarships to apply to.
  • Start applying early and often – and keep track of your applications.
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The Educational landscape is changing dynamically. The new generation of students thus faces the daunting task to choose an institution that would guide them towards a lucrative career.

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