Before discussing the connection between 5G and coronavirus, let’s fall back into early pandemics to understand how serious the matter really is. In the late fall of 1917, there was the introduction of radio waves around the world. Whenever you expose any biological system to a new electromagnetic field you poison it, you kill some and the rest go into a kind of suspended animation. So interestingly they live a little bit longer and sicker.
In World War 2 with the introduction of radar equipment all over the earth blanketing the entire earth in radar fields, first-time humans have ever been exposed to that. In 1968, there was the Hong Kong flu when the earth for the first time has a protective layer in the Van Allen belt which essentially integrates the cosmic fields from the sun, the moon, and Jupiter, etc. The belt distributes the energy of the cosmic fields to the living beings of the earth. And when we put satellites emitting radioactive frequencies in the Van Allen belt within six months we had a new viral pandemic.
Fighting pandemics

Why viral? Because the people are poisoned, they excrete toxins, they look like viruses which people think it’s a flu epidemic. In the 1918 Spanish Flu epidemic, the Boston Health Department decided to investigate the contagiousness. So they believe it or not took hundreds of people with the flu and they suck the snot out of their nose and injected it into the healthy people who didn’t have the flu. Not one time could they make the next person sick. They did this over and over again and they were not able to demonstrate contagion. They even did it with horses who apparently got the Spanish Flu by putting bags over their heads and when the horses sneezed in the bag they put the bag over the next horse. Not one horse got sick. You can read about this in the book called the Invisible Rainbow by Arthur Furstenberg.
Why does pandemic happen?

According to the father of anthroposophy Rudolph Steiner, a virus is an excretion of a cell which has become poisoned. From his unique perspective, a virus is not the cause of an illness, but merely a symptom. The cause of illness, according to an anthroposophist, is a disturbance in the electrical equilibrium of the body.
Leading up to 1918, radios had been distributed across the western world, casting their waves across large swaths of land. Former Vice President of the Physicians Association for Anthroposophical Medicine, Dr. Thomas Cowan said the radio waves were a major factor in the rise of the deadly Spanish Flu. More recently, however, the amount of radio waves in the environment, ranging from WiFi to cell phone towers to radar systems, has increased considerably.
“There has been a dramatic and quantum leap in the last six months with the electrification of the Earth. I’m sure a lot of you know what that is; it’s called 5G.”
“That is not compatible with health,” Cowan argues. In a way, he’s right. A study published in 2018 titled Wi-Fi is an important threat to human health concludes that exposure to Wi-Fi and EMF can contribute to several ailments including DNA damage, hormonal changes, a decline in male reproductive health, and cancer-causing oxidative stress caused by a rise in the level of peroxynitrites in the body.
“We are in an existential crisis here, folks. The likes of which humankind has never seen…This is something that is unprecedented, the putting of 100 thousand satellites in the very blanket of the Earth.” – Dr. Thomas Cowan
5G esotericism

Mainstream science would not dare explore such an esoteric perspective on health and how the electric world around us affects the physical body. And Covid-19 continues to spread around the country, the US government is drafting a relief bill which just happens to include provisions to speed up the national rollout of 5G.
There has been a dramatic and quantum leap in the last six months with the electrification of the earth. Now, 5G has 20,000 radiation-emitting satellites just like the radiation-emitting thing in your pocket and your wrist that you use all the time. Unfortunately, it is not compatible with health.
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