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Online Exams

Tips for Acing Online Exams

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Exams are usually the first checkpoint of the semester. Many students often feel overwhelmed in their preparation for the exams. Failing an online exam can be disappointing, especially when you put enough effort into the coursework. Many factors can contribute to failure even when you efficiently prepare for the test. Some of them include anxiety and failing to use the right technology. We’ve compiled tips for succeeding in an online exam to ensure that the effort and time you put into studying doesn’t go to waste.

Be Prepared

Preparation plays the biggest role in what you score in exams. It’s the trickiest part, especially for students with busy schedules. Some even have to acquire research papers for sale from professional writers to help offload some coursework burden to get time to study for exams. Feeling confident enough that you are ready for the exam is a step closer to acing it. You will find that many important exams for students, like the IELTS exam or GRE exam are fully online. 

Throughout the semester, you should prepare for the online exam by reviewing your lecture notes and recommended class readings and taking different assessments to sharpen your skills and understanding of the course concepts. You can also create discussion groups with your friends. Group discussions promote a deeper understanding of course concepts and increase long-term retention of knowledge. Even if the exam will be an open-book test, ensure that you study well for it because you will not get enough time to review all your lecture notes in the short exam span.

Review the Test Guidelines

Review the guidelines and exam venue. If the exam starts at a specified time, make sure you are ready at the stipulated time. If the guidelines specify that you can take the test at any time of the day, choose a time that is most favorable to you and be ready at that time. Proceed to find out where you will access the test. An online test can be accessed on Blackboard or Webassign, among other platforms. Don’t scramble trying to find where the exam is at the last moment.

Check Your Technology

After understanding the guidelines and the technology that you need for the exam, ensure that you have this tech in the right location. You might have studied well for the exam but will not pass if you run out of time due to slow internet or your gadgets acting out. Ensure that your laptop is fully charged and other gadgets, such as the mouse are in good condition. Also, assess your Wi-Fi connection to determine whether it is strong enough to guarantee faster access to the exam questions.

Prepare Your Environment

It is important to create a distraction-free space for your exam to promote maximum focus. If you live alone, ensure that you inform any potential visitor that you have engagements to ensure you don’t get a random visit during the test. If you live with your family or have roommates, inform them of your exam and the time it’s set to start. If they can leave a room for you to do your exam, that will be an added advantage.

If you feel that there are too many distractions in your home, it might not be the best place to take the exam. In such a scenario, consider an alternative venue. When choosing a venue, pick a calm and quiet environment. If you are doing an online exam monitored with technology like Proctorio, any background noise can trigger a flag and you will end up being locked out from the exam.

Control Your Nerve

You have not taken all the precautions only to end up being stressed at the last moment. The beauty of online exams is that you are alone in your environment, and you can work on relaxation techniques before the test starts. Relaxation techniques help reduce the pressure and make you feel calm before the start of the assessment. During the exam, if you feel any anxiety, pause to take a deep breath to regain control of your nerves.

Watch the Clock

It is common to run out of time during an online exam and it is often a result of poor planning and failing to keep an eye on the clock. As you continue with your online exam, keep an eye on the clock to see how long you have before the end of the assessment. If the time you have is limited and you still have a significant part of the assessment to do, you need to start working faster to complete the assessment within the stipulated duration. Ensure that you do not panic as time runs out. Time should act as a guide to help you through the exam.

Save a Copy of Your Responses

Online Exams

A complaint that many students have had in online exams is losing their answers because of a glitch. To avoid such issues, you can take the option of typing your answers in a word document and copy pasting them on the exam platform. Ensure that you save the Word document as you continue with your exam. Doing so helps avoid losing your answers as a result of a glitch that might require you to start over again. If you find yourself facing any technical problems, inform the instructor about the glitch. When informing the instructor, highlight the specific problem that you are facing and it would be wise to also include a screenshot of the particular issue.


The final step in your exam should be verifying that you have answered all the questions. You might feel confident that you have answered the questions only to find some blank spaces in your responses. Additionally, confirm your submission of the exam before you log out of the browser or shut down your computer.

Closing Remarks

An online exam should be no different from a physical exam. There are common pitfalls that affect the chances of succeeding in online exams but it is easy to overcome them. Before an online exam, ensure that you read the guidelines and have a clear idea of the exam venue and time to ensure you arrive on time. Also, have a stable internet connection to access the exam online. Above all, ensure that you prepare well for the exam. Best of luck!

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